Spice Girl Eats

Website Development, Brand & Visual Designer

2020 to 2021

During the pandemic, my sister lost her job and decided to build her own brand, called Spice Girl Eats. My sister always had a passion for Indian food and wanted to bring our families home cooking to the city of Toronto. 

They needed a website and obviously turned to me, knowing I couldn’t say no! 

This was a fun project for me to work on because it really challenged me. Working with your family has its ups and downs, and staying on top of the website became critical as her food would sell out within minutes of being available. 

We learned that a website with a lot of bells and whistles wouldn’t work here. We needed the site to be fast, easy to use, and have NO obstacles to purchase. People were coming to the website to place their order, and they preferred to find all the other details directly from Instagram. 

At first, I wanted to apply the typical UX pattern to this project and realized that wasn’t going to work. Instead, I focused on building brand guidelines so we could make changes quickly, conducting interviews so we knew where to focus, and testing prototypes so we knew how to improve. 

Brand Guidelines 

Event Setup

In addition to helping with the website, I also used my past experiences in setting up events to help create the booth for Spice Girl Eats during the One Of a Kind Show, in Toronto in 2021.