
User Experience Design – Certificate

I am a naturally curious person. I love learning new things and when I discovered the UX world, I dove right in. I followed designers on Instagram, signed up for webinars, and tried to take free courses wherever I could find them. When I realized I wanted to work in this field, the certificate program at Brain Station was an easy choice. 

The course was a bright light during the early stages of the pandemic. I was able to connect with people again, and develop these skills: 

  • An understanding of Design Thinking principles and human-centered design. 
  • How to research and develop user personas that are actually based on your findings. 
  • How to build wireflows that allow me to share my designs with others. 
  • An understanding of User Interface principles, including a skilled ability at creating wireframes and eventually, high-fidelity prototypes. 
  • A deeper perspective on Visual Design and inclusive design.

The final project allowed me to put all of those skills to use by designing an app.

Project Overview

User Interviews & User Persona Development

Information Architecture & User Testing

User Flows

Wireframes – Low Fidelity

Wireframes – Medium Fidelity

Wireframes – High Fidelity

Usability Testing


Style Guidelines

Final Thoughts